We’ve all seen the YouTube videos of the crazy diehard cyclists who be it by choice or necessity use their bikes in ways that seem super-human. From the balancing of multiple items on one’s shoulders while traversing city traffic to the towing of a day’s worth of framing lumber up washed out mountain roads those videos illustrate the insane strength and ingenuity of humankind. Living in the NY metro area, the utilitarian cyclist is a rare sight. Here are few of my local sightings.
The above image of the landscaper’s rig begs for careful scrutiny of its genius. To start with a point of reference, in his neighborhood the typical landscaper’s rig is full size quad cab pickup truck towing a 20′ enclosed trailer with three each; 52″ mowing decks, gas blowers, line trimmers, rakes and trash cans. So with that in mind as the local standard… this Harbor freight supplied custom fabbed goose neck hitch and trailer with ramp carries all the equipment a small scale operator needs. Just like with the 20′ trailer he even has room for signage and the Flag. And yes, the irony of pedaling around gas cans is not lost on me.
Maybe a little off the utility use genre, but these fellows couldn’t leave home without any of their bikes.
I don’t even know where to begin the sarcasm, maybe none is needed as this was parked outside a 7-Eleven in August???
Any sightings you’d like to share? Please upload them to: https://ridetoremember.com/share-your-ride/